Overview - While you can post income directly into any ledger (click the ledger button when displaying any Owner, Property, Unit or Tenant), generally you will post income by creating a bank deposit. The Tenant File makes it easy to create and post a deposit.
PROCEDURE - Entering a new deposit.
1. Click on the
Checks/Deposits button (or from the 'Activities' Menu,
select 'Checks/Deposits' and then 'Add/Edit Checks').
This will bring you into the 'Entered Checks' folder.
Click on 'Deposits' from the 'Display' box.
2. Click on 'New'
to enter a new deposit.
3. Enter in your
'Deposit Number'. We strongly suggest that you use a deposit number, since this will bond this deposit to the individual transacations (splits) that are part of the deposit. We recommend that you use the current date. For example if the date is '06/12/2014', then your deposit number would be '6122014' (omit the leading zero).
4. Next, choose the correct choice in the 'Post To Ledger' options on the right side of the screen. Most deposits will be for 'Rent Received', so the default choice is to post to Both (the Tenant Ledger and the Unit Ledger). However, if you are posting a 'Late Fee Received' you would most commonly change the 'Post To Ledger' choice to 'Tenant', so that the transaction posted will only credit the Tenant Ledger, and not the Unit Ledger (which is the Owner accounting).
5. Fill out one or
more rows under the deposit for the transactions of this
deposit. Click on another row above or below the save
each transaction. (Be sure that you change the 'Post To Ledger' selection if you intend to post to a different ledger than the last posting.
6. Once you have
entered all of the the transaction information (and saved each one), click the 'Save' button to save your entire deposit.
7. To post the
transactions now to the ledgers and finalize the deposit, click on 'Post'. If you do
not click 'Post' at this time, you can add more
transactions later - possibly for more rent that you
have received. (Once you click post, you will not be able to edit this deposit any more).
PROCEDURE - View your deposits.
You can view
your deposits in your Register or under the Checks/Deposits button, and both are buttons on the Main Menu. If you choose the Checks/Deposits button, you will need to click the 'Deposits' option under 'Display' as you did when you entered the deposit. Your Check Register will always default to
display your Printed Checks that are Pending. Click on
to 'Deposits' from the 'Display' Box and click on 'All'
from the 'Current Status' Box to view your Deposits.