Can you use the Tenant File on a Network?

The Tenant File uses a Microsoft Access type database, or (MDB) file. You can use the Tenant File over a network without having to purchase a separate network version. Usually, on a network, you will assign one computer to have the data and program files, which is called the ‟server'. All other computers will run the Tenant File from the server only.

You must install the Tenant File on every computer that is going to access the Tenant File. The reason that is necessary is because each computer needs to have certain operational files, called DLLs, installed in the Windows SYSTEM directory of each computer. All computers must be running the same version of the Tenant File.

First, install the Tenant File completely on the server from your installation CD using the instructions on the CD.

Next, you can install the Tenant File on one or more workstations. Once you have run the installation on a workstation, you should 'trash' (put in the 'recycle bin') the Tenant File folder that is created on each computer except for, of course, the folder on the server. (Do not run the 'Uninstall' function - simply delete the folder). This Tenant File folder by 'default' is named 'TF4WIN“ and is located at: c:\Tenant File\TF4WIN (your path might be different). This folder is not needed on the workstations because the program is being run off of the folder on the server instead.

Then, through Windows, map each computer to the directory on the server that contains the Tenant Files. Remember that the Tenant File program expects that the data be located in the same folder as the program files (the 'EXE' or executable files), so be careful that you don‟t run the EXE file from one location and put the data in another location. That will create an error.

Also, although the Tenant File can run on a network system, you cannot have more than one person accessing or posting to the Information and/or Ledgers at the same time, if you are using the highest 'built in' network protection. This high protection setting can be remove under 'Preferences > Enable Network Protection', and it will allow users in the same areas of the program at the same time. To avoid network collisions, we recommend that you leave the highest protection on.

As far as the number of users in the program at the same time, it is recommended by Microsoft that you don't have over 3-5 computers sharing the program at once. The Tenant File uses a Microsoft Access Database and this number depends on many factors, such as the amount of data being processed.

Since there are many networks, and they are extremely varied, our tech support staff will not be able to answer specific networking questions. Refer to your Windows documentation concerning Windows networking or talk to your network administrator.

Enable Network Protection: This setting under 'Preferences' from the Main Menu will add extra protection by locking all but the current user out of specific areas of the program. You can use this protection to prevent data conflicts if you have multiple users working in the program at the same time.

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