Posting Recurring Fields
The Tenant File allows you to have up to 6 difference recurring fields for charges that are in addition to the typical rent posting, management fee posting, and late fee charges. The recurring field amounts are kept in the Unit Information for every rental unit. Even though they are part of the Unit info, you can also use them to post items to the Tenant Ledger instead.
The first thing to do is to visit the screen under Posting > Recurring Field Posting and enter the names (or labels) of each field that you want to set up. Here you can also choose the 'account' that you want to use when posting each recurring field. For example, if the recurring field is for 'Parking Fees', then you would need to have an account category set up called something like 'Parking Fee Charged' or 'Parking Fee Received'. (You set up the accounts under Preferences > Add/Edit Accounts).
Here is the Recurring Field setup and posting screen:
Once you have the fields set up, you'll need to go into each individual rental unit that you want to post the fee to. Enter the individual amount for each rental unit. Now you are ready to post the fee at any time. That is done at the bottom of the above screen. |