Here are some great tips to save you time when you call for technical support....


1. Set aside some quiet time for the call. If you are having to collect rent from tenants, deal with the kids, or shout over a jackhammer, you may not get the most out of your call.


2. If you have anything that will take a while to explain, such as an error message, a screen display, or a report, just write it down or take a screen shot, and fax it to us ahead of time. Send it to 512-288-1792, attention: Support. Send only 3 pages at the very most, let's not waste paper. If you have already submitted a support 'ticket', write the ticket# on the fax.


3. If you think we'll need to connect to your computer remotely, go ahead and get the 9 digit connection number that we'll need to get from you. Here's how:


Step 1: go to the website

Step 2: on the website, under 'Start Meeting', click the orange circle button

Step 3: follow the instructions to download and run the installation file

Step 4: when the installation is finished, you see a 9 digit number at the top of your screen (it might look like a phone number but is it formatted xxx-xxx-xxx). We'll need that number.

NOTE: if you have used this website before, they may require you to sign up for a free account. In that case, just follow the instructions to sign up then get the 9 digit number.


4. Know your exact Tenant File version number. To get that, you have to go into the Tenant File program, click on 'Help' and then click on 'About'.


5. If you are still within the free phone support period, you MUST have your Customer Phone Support ID#, which was provided to you in your package, or under Preferences > Authorization.


6. Paid Support calls are up to 15 minutes each at the most. We have to serve a lot of customers and cannot keep others waiting. That means we will have to end the call after 15 minutes. If you think you need more time (which is rare), you'll need to pre-order additional calls and we'll extend the call time. There is a maximum of 3 calls you can order at once, or 45 minutes total.


7. As mentioned above, you can order up to three 15-minute calls at the same time, but only use what you need. The calls you buy will expire if you don't use them within 1 year of purchase.


8. Please be courteous. Our technical support staff will be professional and polite, so please be nice to them.




Thank you for using the Tenant File!