How to Transfer the Tenant File to Another Computer



IMPORTANT: Besides the instructions below, use Windows to back up the entire Tenant File folder as a safety copy.

1. First, make backups of your data from the old computer - use the Tenant File BACKUP button for this. The default file type under 'Copy What Type of Files' is for 'database files (MDB)', which is what you want. You should backup all database files listed on the left side. These are the files ending in MDB (Microsoft Database). Follow the User Guide instructions to complete this backup now.

2. Next, click on 'Data Files (dat)' under 'Copy What Type of Files'. The select all of the files listed on the left side. These are files that contain your 'settings'.
Follow the User Guide instructions to complete this backup now.

3. Find your CURRENT VERSION CD which has 'Full Version' printed on the label. (Don't install any older versions) This 'Full Version' has both the 'Program Files' and BLANK data files. Install that 'Full Version' on the new computer, and be sure to note the path where it is to be installed. That path is usually c:\Tenant File\TF4WIN. (Make sure there is not an existing Tenant File installation on the computer you are installing this to, because it will overwrite any existing files!)


4.    Lastly, enter the Tenant File, go to Tenant File BACKUP button, and RESTORE ALL of the files that you backed up earlier. Under 'Choose Action', you'll need to select 'Restore Files(s) from'. Follow the instructions to complete this restore now.


IMPORTANT: Besides the instructions below, use Windows to back up the entire Tenant File folder as a safety copy.

NOTE: You should not put older versions on a new computer - we always optimize the Tenant File for the most recent operating system

1. First, make backups of your data from the old computer - use the Tenant File BACKUP button for this. The default file type under 'Copy What Type of Files' is for 'database files (MDB)', which is what you want. You should backup all database files listed on the left side. These are the files ending in MDB (Microsoft Database). Follow the User Guide instructions to complete this backup now.

2. Next, click on 'Data Files (dat)' under 'Copy What Type of Files'. The select all of the files listed on the left side. These are files that contain your 'settings'. Follow the User Guide instructions to complete this backup now.

3.    Go ahead and install the latest 'Update Only' version on the new computer. (The 'Update Only' Version has all the files you need except the data files). Be sure to note the path where it is installed. That will usually be C:\Tenant File\TF4WIN.

NOTE:  At this point, if you try to enter the Tenant File, you will get an error message, telling you that the file 'TFDATAFL.MDB' is missing.  You can't enter the Tenant File without any database installed.    


4.    Using WINDOWS 'copy and paste' features, copy the MDB and the DAT files from your backup into the SAME PATH to which you installed the 'Update Only' Version.

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