Automatic Late Fee Charges

Property Managers have devised numerous ways to charge late fees. Until, now your software program has dictated which method you use. The Tenant File late fee section covers many ways for you to handle late fees, giving you the choice and flexibility to choose your own method.

Late Fees



How do you charge your late fees? Do you have a fixed charge? A percentage? A grace period? The Tenant File can handle all of those options plus a lot more. You can even charge a fixed charge PLUS a percentage, add a per day charge (fixed or percentage), and use any grace period that you wish.

You can set a minimum and maximum charge and base the charge on other criteria. If you want to see each late fee about to be charged and make any changes on the 'fly', you can do that, or you can post them all automatically in seconds.

Once you enter the way you charge your late fees, your entries will be saved, so that whenever you come to this screen to charge late fees, you'll only need to click one button.