Lesson 3: Setting up your Owners, Properties, Units and Tenants ...


Setting Up
(length 15 minutes)

It is easy to set up your Owner, Property, Unit and Tenant information quickly. If you have many similar rentals to set up, use the 'Easy Setup' choice. You can find the 'Easy Setup' choice under Activities > Easy Setup from the Main Menu of the Tenant File. This is the fastest way to get started with the Tenant File, by only entering the minimum information required. You can easily go to each new entry and fill in the detailed information later, by clicking on Owner, Property, Unit or Tenant from the Main Menu.


You can also set up each Owner, Property, Unit or Tenant directly from the buttons on the Main Menu. This area is the 'heart' of the Tenant File, allowing your to view and edit all of your information, see the ledgers, add interior and exterior features, and much more.

This video will take you through all of these setup options, step by step.



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